Withdrawal from School

Students who are not eligible for a leave of absence for a personal hardship or who cannot continue in their program of study may withdraw from school using the following process:

  • The student notifies his/her Student Success Coach of the need to withdraw from school and the desired withdrawal date.
  • The student meets with the Program Director for his/her program of study.
  • The student works with the Student Success Coach to put together a plan for returning to school, if applicable.

After these steps have been completed, the student will be withdrawn from school. Students can withdraw during the first seven days of the academic term without penalty. After that time, if a student withdraws while failing, a "WF" will be received for the courses in which the student is enrolled, which will count in the calculation of the CGPA. If a student is passing at the point of withdrawal, a "WP" will be received, which does not count in the CGPA.

If applicable, Alumni Relations will contact the student per the student's plan to follow up and prepare the student to re-enter. Additionally, if personal circumstances change and afford the student the opportunity to continue with school, the student may petition to re-enter the program of study by contacting Alumni Relations.