CLEP Policy

Bryan University welcomes students from a wide variety of backgrounds and learning experiences. Many students come to our institution with a firm grounding in a particular discipline. We recognize their prior learning by accepting the following College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP®) exams, which measure mastery of college- level, introductory course content.

Students who achieve required credit-granting scores on these exams can earn the credits and course exemptions listed below. The University accepts up to 33% of required program credits toward an associate degree. For a bachelor’s degree, the University accepts up to 60% of required program credits. Students must apply for potential CLEP credits prior to their final two terms of their program. 

Exam Title Credit-Granting Score Equivalent Course
College Composition 50 ENG-110S English Composition I
College Mathematics 50 MAT-110S Algebra I