Bryan University Tuition and Fee Schedule

Tuition is charged by the academic year (every 32 weeks for semester-hour programs). All undergraduate students are required to pay a nonrefundable $25 registration fee. Graduate students are required to pay a nonrefundable $50 registration fee. The beginning and ending dates for each term are listed in the school academic calendars. Late payments are subject to a $10 late fee. Tuition is refundable in accordance with the Refund Policy outlined in the course catalog. Payment plans (school deferral plans) are available and are reviewed during the financial aid process. Bryan University scholarship opportunities are listed in this catalog. Discounts are not provided for payments in advance of the normal payment schedule.

The costs of textbooks in electronic format are included in tuition. In some courses, students may choose to “opt out” of the e-book format. If the textbook is available in hard copy and a student prefers this version, the student should email to request an opt-out within the first ten days of class. This option will not be available after the 10th day of class. The student will be credited with the cost of the e-book on their ledger. The student is expected to purchase the hardcopy text through any vendor they choose but should ensure it is the same edition as the textbook assigned in class. An ISBN will be provided for accurate purchasing. This option is only available for courses with textbooks that are available and identical in a hardcopy format.