Program-Specific Admission Requirements

  1. Students applying for entrance into any healthcare program must complete a required criminal background check as well as secure a practicum site. The University has a list of approved practicum sites. If a site is not accessible to the applicant, the applicant must complete the self-site identification process. Students who do not pass the background check by returning items that impact the ability to work in healthcare, or students who fail to secure a practicum site are not eligible to attend the program. Students who complete and do not pass the criminal background check will be withdrawn from the program and refunded any tuition or fees paid.
  2. Students applying to the MBC/HIM Healthcare programs may not use a MacBook, Chromebook, or Notebook. These devices do not contain the adequate properties to submit coursework with the specialized courseware used in the programs.
  3. Students applying to the CMA/AAMA Clinical Healthcare programs may not use a Chromebook or notebook (MacBook air). These devices do not contain the adequate properties to submit coursework with the specialized courseware used in the programs.
  4. Students applying for entrance in any of the offered Paralegal programs must complete a required criminal background check in order to be eligible to attend the program. Students who do not pass the background check by returning items that impact the ability to work in the legal field will be withdrawn from the program and refunded any tuition or fees paid.
  5. Bryan University requires a student to provide official transcripts for an earned associate degree, or higher level, degree from an accredited postsecondary educational institution that is related to the educational program objectives for the following baccalaureate degree completion program(s):
    • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, Fitness and Nutrition Management
    • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies 
    • Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration
    • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
  6. Students without prior college credits may enroll in one of our undergraduate certificate programs while simultaneously enrolling in an associate degree as follows, which are 100% transferable into the Bryan University bachelor’s degree completion programs. The full posted tuition amount of each applicable associate degree will be applied to the bachelor’s degree, reducing the tuition cost accordingly:
    • The Associate of Arts in Paralegal Studies is transferable to the Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies.
    • The Associate of Arts in Applied Exercise and Fitness and the Personal Trainer Certificate are transferable to the Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, Fitness, and Nutrition Management.
    • The Associate of Occupational Science in Health Information Management and the Medical Billing, Coding Certificate are transferable to the Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration.
    • The Associate of Arts in Accounting and the Business Administration Certificate are transferable to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
    • The Associate of Arts in Digital Marketing and the Business Administration Certificate are transferable to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
    • The Associate of Arts in Human Resources Management and the Business Administration Certificate are transferable to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.