UXI-210 : Interaction & Visual Design

Credits 3

This course provides a practical overview of interaction and visual design practices and how they work together to build toward a strong product. Learn and practice techniques for developing products around user goals. Interaction Design - Students will learn how to take data distilled through research to sketch and develop wireframes and prototypes grounded in proven interaction patterns and usability principles and testing them using usability testing knowledge gained in UX Process & Theories. 

Students will learn how to translate ideas into interactions by developing prototypes and simulations; choose the appropriate fidelity of prototype for the phase of design; articulate the benefits of fast iteration; create paper prototypes; and properly explore the design space before deciding on a solution. Visual Design - Adapting design fundamentals in color, hierarchy, and typography learned in earlier courses, students will learn how to take their concepts from wireframe to pixel-perfect UI (user interface) design prototypes. Students in this course will work with software tools such as: Adobe XD, Sketch, and or Figma and practice generating a UX case study asset to add to their capstone portfolio.