UXI-115: UX Process & Theories

Credits 3

User experience (UX) design centers on the interaction between real human users and everyday products and services. In this course, students will learn key theories and processes to help them create usable, useful, and delightful products that answer users' needs. User Research involves qualitative and quantitative research practices aimed at empathizing with target users and discovering and defining their needs. Conducting research such as user interviews and synthesizing the findings into personas, customer journey maps, and more are key skills covered in this section. Information Architecture is the process of establishing flow between a person and a product, service, or environment. This section focuses on how to organize, structure and label content, functions and features to support usability and findability. Usability Testing engages the student in learning user-centered testing techniques to evaluate a product by testing it on real users. Items covered include understanding how to design a test, planning the test, logging and analyzing data, measuring usability, prioritizing problems, choosing recommendations from findings, and persuading from those results. Students in this course will work with software tools such as: Adobe XD, and or Figma. By the conclusion of this course, students will practice generating a UX case study asset to add to their growing capstone portfolio.