Fitness and Nutrition Management


FNM-300: Advanced Functional Anatomy and Physiology

Credits 3

This course focuses on anatomy from a functional perspective, covering how muscles work to produce movements in the joints. Students will also study the body's responses to physical activity as well as how the body adapts to physical activity over time.

FNM-305: Advanced Screening and Testing

Credits 3

This course covers the application of conducting health screenings such as, body fat, cardiovascular conditioning, sport performance tests, as well as identifying various physical activity contraindications.

FNM-310: Psychosocial Aspect of Physical Activity

Credits 3

A course focused on social factors that impact client's thoughts and behaviors when it comes to physical activity. This course also covers the impact exercise has on anxiety, self-perception, cognitive performance, and quality of life.

FNM-315: Advanced Exercise Prescription

Credits 3

A course focused on prescribing safe and effective programs to individuals with performance goals, as well as those that are dealing with health risks such as: diabetes, pregnancy, heart disease, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

FNM-320: Rest and Recovery Strategies

Credits 3

This course provides insight into the importance of proper rest between workouts, the benefits of adequate sleep, and the application of rest and recovery modalities.

FNM-330: Corrective Impairment Strategies

Credits 3

This course is focused on a variety of corrective exercise screenings and strategies. Topics in this course include muscle imbalances, movement efficiency, injury prevention, and movement pattern improvement modalities.

FNM-335: Physical Activity and Nutrition Epidemiology

Credits 3

This course provides students' knowledge of epidemiology and the effect it has on physical activity and nutrition among the population. It also provides advanced studies with specific health and disease states. Understanding the relationship of physical activity with health and disease is imperative.

FNM-400: Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship

Credits 3

This course provides students with the tools necessary to examine moral problems and make effective decisions on ethical issues faced in the fitness workplace. This course also provides insight into how to search for something new in the fitness field and how to exploit that idea into a gainful opportunity.

FNM-405: Application of Nutrition

Credits 3

This course focuses on micro and macro nutrients and the practical application of making dietary recommendations to address common health concerns in order to safely and effectively provide nutritional coaching to a variety of clients.

FNM-410: Strategic Management and Leadership Strategies

Credits 3

This course is an examination of strategic management concepts. Students will study the strategic planning process, which includes creating goals, making decisions, taking action, and analyzing results. This course also provides students with the skills to effectively lead small groups of employees.

FNM-415: Nutrition and Special Populations

Credits 3

This course focuses on nutrition concepts and how they apply to groups of people with special needs that require a greater level of supervision, such as those with heart disease and diabetes.

FNM-420: Sales and Marketing for the Fitness Professional

Credits 3

Organizational branding is a key strategy used by fitness businesses to distinguish themselves from their competitors and create a perception in the minds of their consumers. This course serves as an overview of marketing principles, as well as effective sales techniques both traditionally and online via social media and other platforms.

FNM-425: Sports Nutrition

Credits 3

This course focuses on the core competencies in exercise and nutrition physiology, integrated metabolism, and biochemistry, and how they each apply to working with athletes.

FNM-430: Economics for the Fitness Professional

Credits 3

This course teaches students how to project their revenue, set pricing for 1 on 1 and group training sessions, how to put together a budget, as well as the importance of saving due to the ebbs and flows of the training industry. Students will also be exposed to core ideas such as supply and demand, market equilibrium, and competition analysis in the fitness industry.

FNM-440: Ergogenic Aids Counseling

Credits 3

This course focuses on providing students an in-depth look at various ergogenic aids on the market. Students will be provided insight into the physiologic and psychological advantages to utilizing them as well as the dangers associated with various ergogenic aids.