Personal Training Development


PTD-100: Personal Training and Sales Fundamentals

Credits 3

This course provides an introduction to the field of personal training along with the fundamental skills necessary to be an effective salesperson in the field. The history of personal training, professional organizations, certifications, and career tracks in the field are discussed. Students learn about communication skills, interviewing, steps of the sale, and fundamentals of professional conduct and ethics. Additionally, students learn the primal movement patterns and gain practical experience performing many common exercises and movement patterns that will be utilized with their clients.

PTD-101: Body Sciences I

Credits 3

This course will provide an in-depth look at basics principles of kinesiology, including planes of motion, joints of movement, and joint actions.

PTD-102: Body Sciences II

Credits 3

This course will provide an in-depth look at how the human body systems interact and function in relation to exercise and movement. Students will learn the various parts and functions of the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems.

PTD-103: Client Intake and Assessment

Credits 3

This course covers the fundamentals of conducting health screenings and risk stratifications, as well as tests such as body fat, cardiovascular condition, and various performance tests.

PTD-104: Programming Basics I

Credits 3

This course covers the fundamentals of designing resistance training, cardiorespiratory training, and flexibility programs. The course focuses on training session components and appropriate exercise selection, progression, and program design variables for resistance and cardiorespiratory training.

PTD-105: Programming Basics II

Credits 3

This course covers the fundamentals of advanced training programs. The course focuses on appropriate exercise selection, progression, and program design variables for advanced programs and special populations.

PTD-106: Nutrition Fundamentals

Credits 3

This course covers the fundamentals of nutrition and how food is used by the human body. Students will be able to identify healthy food sources for the various nutrients and decipher reliable and unreliable nutritional information.

PTD-107: Behavior Management

Credits 3

This course is an introduction to the motivation behind behavior change as it relates to physical activity behaviors. Topics include goal setting, motivating clients, developing an action plan, and communication strategies needed to inspire and sustain long-term healthy habits.

PTD-110: Exam and Career Preparation

Credits 3

This course prepares students to take the NASM certification exam, paying particular attention to test-taking skills and improvement of weak areas of knowledge, skill, and ability. Students also prepare for their career through resume building activities and interview roleplays.