

MGT-300: Management and Communications

Credits 3

This course provides an introduction to management skills needed to effectively supervise and communicate with others. Leadership skills relevant in the legal environment will be emphasized.

MGT-350: Organizational Behavior and Management

Credits 3

The purpose of this course is to develop student skills in applying theories and concepts of organizational behavior to enable the student to identify and resolve behavioral issues within global organizations. Topics include factors affecting individual and group motivation in the workplace, development of effective groups and teams, organizational cultures, ethical issues in organizational behavior, as well as organizational behavior issues in global organizations.

MGT-365: Human Resource Management and Strategy

Credits 3

This course in human resource management examines the role and functions of both members and leaders within an organization. Exposure to areas critical to modern day leadership includes counseling, training and development, recruiting, retention, compensation, and diversity in the workplace. Role-playing and class discussion is encouraged to stimulate intellectual growth and human resource management awareness.

MGT-420: Employee Training & Development

Credits 3

This course introduces students to strategies related to human resource training and development. Students will learn the practical skills related to designing, implementing, and evaluating effective training programs to maximize productivity across the organization. This course will also cover topics related to diversity and career challenges.

MGT-430: HR Employment Law

Credits 3

This course explores the fundamental legal principles with specialized topics relevant to the field of human resources. Such topics include employee relations, dispute resolution, and workplace safety (OSHA). Students will gain an understanding of the legal framework that governs employment relationships and learn different strategies for implementing human resource-related legal issues effectively.

MGT-445: Talent Acquisition

Credits 3

Business strategy and execution relies heavily on acquiring appropriate talent. This course will explore effective methods of sourcing positions and hiring employees to drive business outcomes. Topics include analysis of retention and attrition, effective recruiting, talent pipeline creation, aligning HR with business strategy, and analyzing market conditions for strategic business positioning.

MGT-446: Compensation and Benefits Management

Credits 3

Compensation and benefits management are critical to employee retention and business strategy. This course will explore topics in compensation including system design, employee performance systems and measures, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, employee satisfaction, benefits, and employee incentive programs.

MGT-447: Strategic Workforce Planning

Credits 3

Today's businesses need to be agile and flexible to meet the ongoing technological and human capital demands. This course will explore effective strategies for businesses to plan for staffing to succeed in this ever-changing business climate. Topics include analyzing organizational readiness, organizational staffing strategy, environmental scanning, and data analysis for effective planning.

MGT-450: Management Strategies

Credits 3

This course is an examination of strategic management concepts. Students will study the strategic planning process, which includes creating goals, making decisions, taking actions, and analyzing results. The benefits of strategic planning will be identified and distinguished from operational planning. Through discussions, exercises and assignments, students will practice using analytical tools to critically assess an organization's internal and external environments, competitive opportunities, and threats. Students will be expected to recommend an appropriate organizational strategy, while at the same time critically analyzing other strategic approaches.