GWD-125 : Digital Illustration

Subject Area
Credits 3

This course advances the students' understanding of the computer as an artist's tool. Building on previous courses in drawing, concept development and introductory computer aided design; students will be asked to generate a number of expressive solutions that address specific illustrative problems, both technical and creative. Emphasis will be placed on meeting deadlines, use of applicable rendering techniques, application of appropriate typography and professional presentation methods. As part of this course, students will be given the opportunity to develop their digital illustration skills by exploring numerous tools and techniques to obtain desired results, including:

Dynamic Digital Illustration will concentrate on advertising illustrations using vector-based applications and explore graphic designs for products and apparel. Editorial Illustration will explore various conceptual illustrators and their visions. Graphic Illustration will concentrate on the application of design elements in a stylized illustration. Attention to detail and rendering techniques will be emphasized and refined. Illustration for Multimedia & Web will help students produce vector-based computer-generated compositions for use in print, web sites, and multimedia products. Throughout the course, attention to detail and rendering techniques will be emphasized and refined. This suggests a focus on honing technical skills and craftsmanship to create polished, professional-grade illustrations.  At the conclusion of the course, students will produce a portfolio artifact that can be added to their capstone portfolio. They will also learn how to select existing projects or determine new ones for their portfolio, as well as how to organize and prepare their design process artifacts for display online.